Pap/Breast Exams

Why should I get a pap, pelvic, and breast exam?

A Pap, pelvic, and breast exam is used to detect cervical cancer, screen for certain vaginal infections, STIs, and abnormalities of the cervix and in the breasts. A Pap test is recommended for all women beginning at the age of 21 through age 65. This test only needs to be done every 3-5 years, with a normal test result, depending on age and past medical history.  It’s generally recommended for women to have annual medical check-ups to monitor their health.

Vida Medical Clinic believes that every woman deserves quality health care from a knowledgeable and compassionate provider. Vida Medical Clinic and our licensed medical professionals provide well woman check-ups, which include a physical exam, breast exam, and a pelvic exam/Pap smear (cervical cancer screening) at no cost to you.

What is included in a pap, pelvic, and breast exam?

Pap Testing/HPV – The Pap test identifies changes in cells on the cervix (lower end of the uterus) that are caused from HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). HPV is the most common STI and is the main cause of cervical cancer. HPV is spread primarily through genital contact. Most infections resolve on their own without treatment. However, if a high risk infection persists, it can cause cancer of the cervix or vagina in women. In most cases, follow-up care for an abnormal test result may prevent cervical cancer from developing. There is no cure for HPV, however there are vaccines available which provide protection from some of the cancer-causing strains of HPV. Vida Medical Clinic can provide a medical referral for any recommended follow-up care and possible treatment. 

Pelvic Exam – A pelvic exam is a visual and physical examination of a woman’s reproductive organs. A Vida Medical Clinic provider can perform a pelvic exam and will test and provide treatment for vaginal infections and/or STIs, if needed. 

Breast Exam – A breast exam can detect some abnormalities in the breasts. Vida Medical Clinic’s provider will feel for any lumps or changes in the breast tissue. Medical referrals will be provided for any recommended follow-up. Vida Medical Clinic does not offer breast ultrasounds or mammograms.

Request A Pap, Pelvic and Breast Today


How often should I get a pap?

A pap test is recommended for all women between the ages of 21- 65 years old. If the test result is normal, the test can be done every 3-5 years depending on age and past medical history.

Do you do mammograms?

No. Our nurse practitioner performs a manual breast exam. You will be provided medical referrals if a follow up is necessary.

I have no health insurance. Where do I go for follow-up care not provided at Vida?

Our nurses can connect you with resources in the community.

What is BV?

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) occurs from overgrowth of “normal” bacteria of the vagina. We can test and treat for this common condition. BV is not an STI.

Where can I go for a comprehensive medical exam?

We do not provide comprehensive medical exams. Our nurses can help refer you to other low-cost or free clinics.

Do you prescribe birth control?
